WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. As is usual for this series, Sora no Otoshimono Episode 4 was outstanding. It was an excellent mixture of humor, plot, fun, action, intrigue, and strong emotions. I’m truly impressed that this anime is able to pump out one awesome episode after another. I’m also impressed with how much good material this show is able to pack into each episode.

Looking at the humor, it was hilarious as usual. It once again relied on the great and hilarious personalities of the characters. Given how absurd and ridiculous this show and its aspects are, it allows for absolutely ridiculous humor and comedy. Additionally, since the anime and some the characters are super perverted, it allows for plenty of fanservice and pervertedness to be mixed in. Hence, that’s why we get things like an exploding-panty robot guarding prized stashes of porno mags in this show’s comedy scenes whereas other comedies don’t come near this level.

I realize at this point it’s not just Tomoki this perverted humor is relying on. The other characters are participating heavily in it as well. For instance, we never would have gotten to see Tomoki’s pervertedness on such an incredible display if we didn’t have Sohara rig the panties to explode in the first place. Likewise, Ikaros helped here as well by giving her the card. Ikaros also seemed quite happy to help Tomoki decorate with the panties. Likewise, Mikako helped out by sending Tomoki back into the exploding-panty deathtrap toward the end. Honestly, I’m quite impressed with how far this anime’s willing to go and what lines it’s willing to cross with its humor.

So far in this show, we haven’t had too much action. However, we got some great action in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 4. Both the scene with Tomoki making a mad dash out of the home and the scene of him fighting his way back in were quite exciting. The music was also very nice and fitting during these scenes. Another positive I’ve been noticing is the changes in the outros. It’s nice Sora no Otoshimono is not keeping all the outros the same. Instead mixing things up keeps the show more interesting and less repetitive.

As for character development, the biggest here was with Tomoki and Sohara. Tomoki showed himself to be rather brave and caring in this episode. He also apologized to Sohara. It was interesting he took responsibility for the incident instead of blaming it on Sohara.

Sohara’s personality is quite tricky to figure out. On one hand, she is showing herself to be violent and reckless. On the other hand, she’s showing herself to be very caring. Even though she rigged his house to explode, she later got worried about him and showed her gratitude to him for rescuing her. She also let her true feelings for him slip when she talked about how caring he is before quickly catching herself to say she thinks of him as a creep and an idiot most of the time. She’s also showing she cares for Ikaros, and it’s nice to see the two of them getting along so well.

Looking at the more emotional scenes, these were excellent. It was touching to see Sohara’s past. Additionally, it was also nice to see that Tomoki cared for her and went out of his way to help her even back then. Another emotional and sad part was seeing how Ikaros said she didn’t have any friends and doesn’t have any experience enjoying herself like she is now. It’s nice though that Ikaros can now live a better life, but it’s also heartbreaking to learn more about Ikaros. It makes me wonder just what happened in Ikaros’s past. It also seemed sad when Ikaros simply kneeled next to Tomoki all night while he was sleeping, like she doesn’t know what else to do with herself. All of this is raising Ikaros’s character profile and making her a very interesting, intriguing, and emotional character.

We also some intriguing plot development in the episode. The the mixture of plot development was outstanding and very intriguing. In particular, we got to see the girl from Tomoki’s dreams again. She seems to care about Tomoki and be genuinely worried about him. It’s also intriguing who the new character who showed up at the end is and what’s she up to. I’m looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.

Sora no Otoshimono. Funimation, 2009. Web.

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 3

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 5
