WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. As is the par for this anime, Sora no Otoshimono Episode 6 was excellent. It was not the funniest episode in the serious, though there were still some nice laughs. In addition, the fanservice was not as heavy as in some other episodes. Instead, the episode focused much more on serious and emotional moments, and it nailed these very well. It was also nice to meet Nymph, who hopefully will be a fun character.

Looking at Nymph, she’s very suspicious and intriguing. We saw glimpses of her before, but this is the first time she’s shown herself openly. She definitely isn’t the friendliest individual around but is instead a jerk. Despite this, she did help to save Sohara’s life, which makes me wonder if she’s a tsundere character. She also seems to know more about Ikaros than Ikaros knows about her. It’s unclear why she’s met up with the group and what she’s up to.

Looking at the emotional and serious parts, these were excellent. In addition to fantastic content, these parts were supplemented by beautiful imagery and animations. They also had touching and greatly timed music. These other elements really helped to bring out the emotions of the anime and its characters.

It’s becoming clearer that Sohara has feelings for Tomoki, even though she frequently gets angry at him. Tomoki once again showed himself to be very kindhearted. He showed kindness to Nymph despite her being a jerk to him. Tomoki also went out of his way to rescue Sohara. Clearly, despite his flaws, Tomoki has a good heart deep down.

We also found out more about Ikaros in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 6. For one, we found out again just how much Ikaros loves her watermelon; she even held a funeral for it when it rotted, which is both touching and kind of sad. It’s unclear why she loved it so much. It’s also interesting to learn that Ikaros can’t sleep nor dream and has instead just been patiently waiting for Tomoki to awaken whenever he goes to bed. This part is honestly quite heartbreaking. She doesn’t get to experience the comfort and relief of sleep, nor the incredible wonder of dreams.

To make matters more painful, the fact that she’s just been waiting for Tomoki makes it seem like she has nothing else to do with her life during this time. It really makes me feel sorry for Ikaros as a character that she’s in such an unusual and deprived position.

Also, once again, Ikaros acted very out of character when she sensed Tomoki was in danger. She presented herself as very dangerous and aggressive. It’s unclear what was happening to her before Tomoki stepped in and stopped her. Clearly, there is much we haven’t learned about Ikaros, and this raises plenty of intrigue going forward.

We also saw Sugata act suspicious once more. He’s continuing to spy on Ikaros and investigate her in bizarre manners. It’s unclear though what his purpose is and what he’s up to. Whether or not he’s a villain is still up in the air.

Additionally, we also got to see the return of the strange angel from Tomoki’s dream. It’s unclear who she is and what she’s up to. Still, she seems to care for both Tomoki and Ikaros and doesn’t seem evil. She’s coming across as a very intriguing and curious character. Given she doesn’t appear very often but still seems important, it seems like she’s a keystone character: a character who plays a key and vital role, but presents herself sparingly. Such characters are very intriguing and can definitely make media better. I’m really liking how the anime is handling her so far by sprinkling in tidbits of her without revealing too much too quickly.

Sora no Otoshimono. Funimation, 2009. Web.

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 5

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 7
