WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, I though this episode started a bit slow, but got better as it went on. I liked how the show increased the scariness element by making it feel like Rachel’s and Zack’s lives were in serious danger. The episode ended with a cliffhanger, and I think it works in this case given that the ending left lots of tension.

Zack and Rachel are still working well together. They are still doing a nice job of complimenting each other and covering for each others’ weaknesses. It is interesting as well that Zack is starting to act more intelligently when figuring out problems, at least to an extent. He is also slowly learning to trust Rachel’s judgement more and relying on Rachel’s intelligence and problem-solving ability more. It seems this is a form of slow character development for him.

I am, however, not seeing much character development for Rachel, as her personality does not seem to be making many clear changes. This seems to be one area the show is lacking, as the show could give Rachel more character development and help her make more changes as the show goes on. This would add the show substantially, and I am hoping Rachel gets more character development as the series goes on. I am hoping she makes self-improvements during the show.

As for Cathy, she comes across as an overconfident villain. I get the feeling that she is underestimating the group given that she is letting them advance as far as she has and the fact that she is giving the group plenty of clues. I have a feeling there is going to be a physical fight between her and Zack before too long, and I am curious to see how she handles the confrontation. She may continue to be overconfident, or she may become more serious and put up a very difficult fight. It is hard to tell. So far, the show seems to be using the formula of having lots of small villains. We have yet to run into a clear big bad for the show. I am hoping we get some big bad, major villain before too long.

As for the puzzles, I do like how the puzzles are making the viewer think to try to what the cryptic clues mean. The fact that the group cannot take their time with the puzzles because their lives are in peril during the puzzles is also well done. These add to the show’s psychological-horror focus.

I am honestly curious to see if Zack and Rachel survive the show. Given the show is a horror show, it has more potential to kill off characters than shows that are happier in nature, though I doubt either will die early in the show. I am looking forward to the rest of the series.

Angels of Death. Funimation, 2018. Web.
