WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. I found this episode was loaded with content and hilarious as usual. For one, I was impressed with how much material they fit into one episode. Additionally, I thought the episode did a nice job of keeping things humorous and interesting without having to rely too much on interactions among the main four characters. We also got to meet a bunch of new characters, which was quite refreshing. It was great since many of these characters had very interesting, humorous, and enjoyable personalities. I also find it interesting several characters, like Gab’s and Raphiel’s family members, were mentioned but did not appear. This makes me wonder how many will show up later.

As for the individual parts of the episode, the Gabriel section was very cute. It once again showed Gab still has a soft spot in her heart somewhere given she gave in to playing with her younger sister. I also found Gab’s sister to be very cute and was quite enjoyable to watch. She comes across as being a sweet young kid who is innocent, carefree, and enjoys life’s simple pleasures quite a bit.

Satania’s section was very humorous. It now makes sense where Satania got her ridiculous ego from, as the show had not explained this up to this point. This honestly feels like they finally filled in a large plot hole. It is also quite fun to see how egotistical Satania’s parents are and how normal her brother is in comparison.

There were also a couple of nice Easter Eggs here. For one, the mansion was actually just an image on their wall and not where they actually live. Secondly, the other part of the room was just an illusion on the wall to make it look larger than it actually is. It took me a while to catch these Easter Eggs. That is actually one of the advantages I have found to doing these anime reviews; by watching this stuff over again to make these reviews, it has helped me to catch jokes I previously missed.

Vignette’s section was hilarious. It was cool to meet Vignette’s parents, who seem to have a similar personality to Vignette. It was hilarious to see meet Chappy as well as Vignette’s reaction to him. Chappy comes across as a very fun and playful character and was very enjoyable to see.

The Raphiel section was not as humorous as some of the other sections. However, given how hilarious this show is, that’s not to say it wasn’t funny. It was still quite comedic and enjoyable even if the other sections were more so. It was interesting to see the show injected some perverted humor into this section. Up until now, this show has not relied much on perverted humor. Overall, I think the show handled this well by adding in a touch of perversion to make it funny and enjoyable. It didn’t make it so perverted as to turn viewers who don’t care for perverted and sexualized humor off from the show. I also am wondering if Raphael got her stalker personality from her butler.

The section with the Principle who looked like Colonel Sanders was probably the best part of the episode and may even be the best part of the entire show so far. It was hilarious how Gab used her videogame stories as proof that she was doing lots of good deeds. It was also hilarious how Raphiel just sat there smiling and not saying a word; she did nothing to interfere with Gab’s garbage she was spewing out of her mouth. To top it off, it was hilarious how gullible Colonel Sanders was when he believed it and how Gab managed to get away with her fallen-angel antics.

The episode ended on a high note by alluding to Raphiel and Gab helping Satania break into Heaven, which hopefully will be exciting. This part also helped with the show’s plot. This is not just because the sneaking into Heaven can be interesting. It’s also because it shows that Gab is starting to care more for Satania. I actually like that the two are becoming close enough that Gab is willing to go out of her way to help out Satania.

Gabriel DropOut. Crunchyroll, 2017. Web.
