WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. I really liked this episode. I thought the episode did a very nice job of being tense and exciting throughout and definitely kept me on the edge. It was very suspenseful and emotional.

The character development here was excellent, as the episode did a very nice job helping us to learn more about the nature of the various characters. In particular, we are seeing more of Danny’s, Reverend Gray’s, Rachel’s, and Zack’s character. For a long time the show has left the deep-down natures and feelings of these characters mysterious. They still are largely mysterious, but at least we are making solid progress in uncovering them. The revelations of their true selves feel very tense, surprising, and emotional, and are quite well done.

Another part of the character development was seeing Zack work without Rachel’s help. Normally Zack has Rachel to figure out problems, so it was quite nice to see Zack show he’s capable of figuring out puzzles and deal with the floor without Rachel’s assistance.

Looking at the plot, I thought the series has been doing a nice job building up to Rachel’s secret. The secret reveal was definitely huge and is not something I expected at all. The episode also left plenty of tension going forward as well as we do not yet know how Zack will respond to the big reveal. He is clearly shocked at what he saw, and it is unclear what the fallout will be. How Zack’s and Rachel’s relationship will change from this is unclear.

The episode also left plenty of intrigue going forward, as the episode felt like it left more questions than answers. For instance, we do not know why Rachel did what she did. We still do not understand Rachel’s true character and true nature. Her righteous figure the show built up at first is still being torn down more. We also still do not understand what Danny is up to.

Going forward, it’s still unclear how many of these questions we will get answered. Many times, these types of medias leave many things unanswered or leave them with an unclear answer so the viewer has to really think and work hard to figure them out. I am looking forward to seeing how the series concludes itself as it feels like we are reaching the climax.

Angels of Death. Funimation, 2018. Web.
