WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, this episode was alright, but could have been better. I felt there were some positives. For one, we managed to learn more about Rachel’s and Zack’s personalities.

We are learning Rachel is intelligent and clearly wants to die, at least for now. She thus does not fear Zack’s intimidating nature. This sets up well as the fact that she does not fear death could make her act very courageously. Her intelligence is also useful and can help to make for a complicated storyline. She seems to be quite religious as well. I am curious as to how this may tie into the other religious themes that are speckled about the show, including the obvious reference to angels in the show’s title. I am wondering if she will continue to desire death or if she will have a change of heart later. I suspect she’ll change, especially since she has other priorities than death. She did not want her tombstone destroyed and is not willing to reach death at all costs as shown by her opposition to suicide.

Zack on the other hand comes across as an unintelligent jerk. Nevertheless, this jerk personality adds plenty of dialogue and makes the story somewhat more interesting. It is good after all to have a mix of personalities in shows and his loud, obnoxious personality seems to balance out Rachel’s quiet, calm, reserved, and soft-spoken demeaner. As this showed, this personality helped him find the switch, so his destructive attitude can help to advance the show’s plot. He seems to slowly be liking Rachel. I am wondering if this is a sign that he may have some good in him, but it is too early to tell.

Still, this episode was not perfect. There was not much horror and scariness in it, and we did not see as much that makes the viewer wonder about deep psychology as in the last episode. Part of the episode also felt somewhat slow and dry. There was lots of simply walking around and not doing much. I also felt we did not find out enough about the other girl whose voice Rachel heard to make her introduction that interesting. If we had heard more from her or of her, her introduction would have been more intriguing. I have a feeling we will see her in the future, and hopefully she will play a larger and more interesting role.

Angels of Death. Funimation, 2018. Web.
