WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Today I am starting a review series for the show Date A Live. Let’s get into it. As a first episode, I thought this anime was absolutely ridiculous, totally insane, utterly crazy, but still awesome and very lovable. Despite the absurdities, or perhaps because of the absurdities, I think I may really like this show. Additionally, the episode did a nice job introducing the concepts of the show and laying the exposition. In particular, the anime seems to be setting itself up to be a largely comedic show as there was plenty of humor in the episode.

The anime comes across as very ridiculous in many ways. Obviously, some of these concepts, like having to date people to save them, are pretty farfetched and illogical. When shows use illogical and farfetched ideas, I’ve generally found it best if they openly embrace their own ridiculousness. Shows that are openly ridiculous and don’t shy away from their absurdities but fully embrace them tend to do well. Their embraces make the viewers more accepting of the parts of the show that are absurd.

Shows that have ridiculous ideas but run away from them and downplay the absurdities often fail to pull off the landing. In these cases, the ridiculousness sticks out more like a sore thumb in the show rather than being an integral and enjoyable part of the show. If this show can own its own ridiculousness fully and not shy away from it, then it will do the show lots of good and strengthen it.

As for the characters, I am liking Shido’s personality. He seems like he is brave and has a good heart. Still, he’s going to be in for a wild ride that he didn’t ask for. He gives me the feeling that he will go along with his assigned role in the show with determination. However, he’ll probably find the role to be ridiculous and crazy at times. I’m curious as to how Shido’s dating is going to go. I’m guessing it will be largely humorous, though there may be some genuine feelings of love mixed in as well.

Kotori definitely seems like she’s going to make the show fun. I am curious just how bossy she will be to her older brother. She is coming across as extremely bossy and tsundere already. She reminds me of the playfully obnoxious characters that sometimes show up in media, and I definitely feel such a character works for this kind of a show.

Origami seems like she will be a major character. I’m starting to like her serious, but friendly personality. She seems very determined as an individual and isn’t a jerk. I’m not sure how much of a role the other characters introduced so far will play, so we’ll have to see.

Date A Live. Shirane, Hideki. Funimation, 2013. Web.
