WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Hello readers. Welcome to my blog. Today I am starting a review series for the anime show Gabriel DropOut. Today, Episode 1. Overall, I thought this episode was excellent. It did a very nice job squeezing in a large amount of material into one episode. The show quickly established itself as a supernatural comedy show. I love those. The episode was incredibly hilarious and had me laughing a huge amount throughout. I am glad it is so far making itself successful at its goal of being humorous. For the show’s plot, we gained a very nice introduction into the setup of the show. We also got a good introduction of the main characters and can clearly see their personalities. My thoughts on the various characters.

Gabriel: Gabriel so far seems to have obviously changed from a righteous perfectionist to a lazy, inconsiderate slob. I find it interesting she is not only neglecting her angelic duties, but is actively going against them by telling little white lies, littering, and acting in a sinful manner. It will be interesting how she handles behaving in an unangelic manner going forward. Despite being grumpy, she is very entertaining and her fallen-angel antics are very enjoyable, humorous, and fun to watch.

Vignette: Vignette comes across as being much more responsible. She does seem to care about others, but she also comes across as having a temper as well and being angry and forceful at times.

Raphiel: Raphiel comes across as being rather suspicious. She seems like she is easily amused and loves pulling people’s legs. She definitely seems to be a prankster and seems to be quite smart. She also seems somewhat sadistic. It will be interesting to see how she is going forward.

Satania: Now Satania is absolutely ridiculous. She comes across as being an idiot. She seems like she thinks she is far more evil than she actually is. She also is extremely egotistical. In the first episode she was clearly the butt of many jokes. She seems like she will be a laughingstock going forward

Although this episode was hilarious, it also felt sad and depressing in one aspect, and that is Gabriel’s fall from grace. With Gab doing what she wants, she actually seems more miserable overall and less happy than when she was eager to help others. I actually am getting feelings of sympathy for her given her taintedness and how far she has fallen. In addition, with Gab tumbling downward, it feels like the world has lost something precious. I honestly wonder if there is meant to be some life lesson in this, in which by helping others out you can actually end up happier yourself. The show almost feels like its makers are trying to send this message and trying to encourage the viewer to be like Gabriel before she fell from grace rather than her later self. I know it might seem odd, but in real life I have actually found many life lessons from anime that have proved to be quite useful and I have applied to my life. This may be another lesson worth taking to heart. I am looking forward to reviewing the rest of this series.

“Gabriel DropOut Episode 1.” Crunchyroll, 9 Jan. 2017. Web. 9
Sept. 2019.
