WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. As with the previous episodes, this episode was extremely humorous. I know I sound repetitive saying it is hilarious every episode, but the show has truly been doing a good job of being and staying funny. The episode was also very cute as the characters are coming across in a very cutesy-humorous way. Gabriel’s rude attitude, her bluntness, her disconnect from her work, her laziness, her lack of enthusiasm, and her feud with Satania were hilarious. The ridiculous way Master tried to handle her and handle his customers was also hilarious. I also enjoyed the meeting with Raphiel and Vignette. How Gab responded to her air being out by mooching from Vignette were also quite funny.

The biggest plot developments here of course was Gab starting to work at Angel Coffee and the introduction of Master. Both of these were very entertaining, enjoyable, and humorous, and the introduction of Master. It also opens plenty of opportunities to see more of Angel Coffee and the Master later.

As for character development, the main characters who really had development here were Raphiel and Master. Gab, Vignette, and Satania at this point do not need much character development. This is because we have already seen their personalities quite a bit. Additionally, their personalities do not seem to be changing much at this point in time. Raphiel’s character development was great, as we got to see more of her personality in an entertaining and humorous manner. Raphiel is definitely coming across as having a strong and very eager sense of humor. This was shown by her desire to act dead serious with her jokes when being with Vignette. It’s clear that Satania is not the only one she enjoys toying with.

As for Master, his character development was also excellent as he played a major role in the funniest parts of the episode. This allowed us to laugh quite a bit while learning about him. He comes across as being quite friendly, but also quite naïve and a bit of a pushover given how he lets Gab slide so much. Master also is clearly sensitive about his coffee he prides himself on. He seems like he will be a fun supporting character and a nice addition to the show. I am looking forward to reviewing the show as it goes from here.

Gabriel DropOut. Crunchyroll, 2017. Web.
