WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. I absolutely loved this episode. So far, it’s one of my favorite if not my favorite in the series. Just about everything about the episode was absolutely hilarious, including the awesome title. It was nice to have Tapris play a major role for once. Tapris was awesome and made this episode so much fun. She clearly fits into this show very well. She’s naive, paranoid, clumsy, righteous, caring, determined, friendly, overdramatic, and feisty. Her unique personality, range of traits, and ridiculous emotions made her a perfect fit to be tossed into the clown car of the four main protagonists.

It was hilarious how Tapris behaved on her own as well as during her interactions with the other characters. It’s also cool that Raphiel now has a new toy to play with, and she is taking to playing with her quite well. Satania’s ridiculous ego and her claims that she is so evil also mashes up very well with Tapris’s extreme melodramaticness.

Seeing Tapris with Vignette was also quite enjoyable. The two definitely get along well and their interactions were quite funny as well. It was nice to see Tapris’s pure personality overcome her fear of demons. I like how she calmed down from her initial shock to say she is still looking forward to having tea with Vignette.

As for Tapris’s interactions with Gabriel, these were hilarious as well. The vending machine section was especially enjoyable. Tapris is clearly heartbroken to see Gab fall. Still, Tapris likes Gab as a friend and still enjoys spending time with her. This is a nice touch to the show. It shows that even though Gabriel has changed, they are still friends much like how Vignette stayed Gab’s friend throughout her fall.

On another note, I am liking the musical themes in this show. I notice they have multiple musical tunes that play at multiple times. At the beginning of this episode, it played the same music that it played when Gab started to have her fall from grace.

Although the episode was hilarious, there was, like in other episodes, a sad and emotional part of it. The episode felt sad when Tapris came to the conclusion that Old Gabriel was gone for good. It was also sad when Tapris remembered her flashback to how kind Gab was to her in Heaven. I notice we keep getting flashbacks to Old Gabriel and lots of references to how Gab use to be before her fall. I’m honestly wondering if this series will ever have Gabriel redeem herself. It’s possibly she will redeem herself at the end, or perhaps she will be a fallen angel forever. There seems to be foreshadowing that she may eventually redeem herself. This is especially evident given we are getting increased references to her righteous and pure past. Still, it’s hard to predict.

Gabriel DropOut. Crunchyroll, 2017. Web.
