WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. I found this episode to be hilarious. There was not a huge amount of plot development in this episode. We did get a quite a bit of character development though. We got to see more of the Prez’s character, the teacher’s character, as well as more of Raphiel’s and Gabriel’s character. I thought the physical fitness test was very humorous. Gab was very cute with her refusal to want to do physical exercise and her poor performance at it as well. Satania’s cockiness at physical fitness was enjoyable. It was nice though to see her be a good sport about Raphiel beating her too. I actually kind of felt sorry for Raphiel with her struggles.

The interview portion was also very humorous. It was nice to see that Vignette didn’t get in trouble for Satania’s antics. The taste-testing club, err, cooking club, section was, like the others, hilarious. I also noticed another Easter egg in this episode: Satania’s medal looks very much like Satania’s drawing of the president during Episode 6. I am really wondering how many other Easter eggs I may have missed in this show; the makers are doing a nice job sprinkling them in.

There are several takeaways about Gabriel I noticed in this episode. It seems her staying up late, eating junk food, and not getting much exercise has taken a toll on her physical strength. It’s interesting that Gab is not just mooching off Raphiel and Vignette but is now mooching off other people as well. I also found it interesting that Gabriel is continuing to prank Satania more and more, such as referring her to the absurd interview book. At the beginning of the season, it was mainly Raphiel that was pranking Satania. Now Gab is really joining in more and more. It will be interesting to see how often Gab tries to mess with Satania going forward.

It is also interesting that Gab is acting inconsistent on how smart she is. There are some points in time that she is acting very unintelligent. For instance, she did not recognize the angel uniform Tapris wore and did not remember the names of her classmates. Yet, there are also times in this show Gab has shown herself to be very smart, like in her tricking Satania. It honestly feels like Gab is smart when she wants to be and is willing to put some effort into it, but is unintelligent in areas she puts forth little effort. It will be interesting to see how Gab handles this going forward.

One final intriguing thing from Gabriel was how Gab promised entrance into Heaven for the cooking club members. I noticed also Gab has the First Trumpet of the Apocalypse without explanation as to how she got it; and of course, the name Gabriel comes from the archangel Gabriel. This is just me coming up with ideas, but I wonder if Gab has some special status in Heaven. This might be related to her being top of her class at Angel School.

We got to see more into Raphiel’s character in this episode as well. Up until now, Raphiel had not had to deal with any difficult issues. It was interesting to see Raphiel have to deal with challenges for the first time, both with her bra issues and her fear of frogs. It seems Raphiel was effective at keeping pretty calm during her bra incident. Additionally, she did not really seem upset at her physical fitness measurements being ruined. Her fear of frogs though may have been a rare instance of Satania actually getting the best of Raphiel, which is a nice twist on what usually occurs.

Gabriel DropOut. Crunchyroll, 2017. Web.
