WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Looking at Sora no Otoshimono Episode 2, I loved this episode. In particular, it was absolutely hilarious. In addition, we also got great character development as well as great emotion. We didn’t get too much plot development, but that’s fine since we had so much other good content.

Looking at the character development, we got a lot of development for some characters. For Tomoki, we are seeing Tomoki once again to be a pervert, but also be quite caring. He clearly cares about Sohara and Ikaros and is going out of his way to help them out. We also learned how he was caring as a kid as well.

Looking at Sohara, we got to understand her on a deeper level. So far, Sohara is showing herself to be kind of a tsundere character. She is quick to anger and unfriendly some of the time. Still, she shows herself as being caring during others. Her scene where she warmed up to Ikaros after previously disliking her showed this to be especially evident.

We are also seeing more of Ikaros. Once again, Ikaros is very naïve in many matters. She is very caring though, which is a major positive. In addition, she does not just care for Tomoki. Instead, she cares for others as shown by her desire to help Sohara and her tenderness while doing so. She is also very concerned about Tomoki’s safety. Given how clueless Ikaros is, she is very humorous as she bumbles around without realizing the consequences of her actions. She seems very innocent in nature. For instance, she didn’t see anything wrong with magically stealing other girls’ panties to help Tomoki and Sohara. In fact, it’s unclear if she even knew she was stealing in the first place.

Looking at Sugata, he definitely seems excited to meet Ikaros. He is also clearly intelligent and was very helpful in this episode. Still, he comes across as suspicious. The fact that he has so many weird clothing items and he plays around with dolls’ underwear makes him seem somewhat perverted, though not necessarily to the same extent Tomoki is. He also seems like he’s hiding something.

As for Mikako, we still haven’t seen her personality on full display. She seems to like teasing others and she was willing to help out in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 2. Still, we haven’t seen enough of her to fully understand who she is.

Looking at the humor, it is clearly perverted and sexual humor that dominates. Obviously if you’re not alright with seeing perverted and sexual humor, this show is not for you. If you do like such humor though, then the humor is very well done. I personally found much of the episode to be laugh-out-loud hilarious. The humor is relying very heavily on the personalities of the characters, which we are getting to know very quickly thanks to the superb character development. One thing evident here is the humor is also relying on just how ridiculous this show is.

Sometimes medias try to downplay their most ridiculous and absurd aspects, which makes it harder to take full advantage of them. This show is not making that mistake. Instead, it’s taking its most ridiculous aspects and running with them by fully embracing them. This makes them work in the show and allows the show to take full advantage of them. I mean, what kind of a show manages to create flying panties and make it work?

Another well-done part of Sora no Otoshimono Episode 2 was the other emotions. It was interesting how the show mixed tender moments together with humor. Much of the show felt both humorous and touching at the same time. This was really well done. We could really see the bond between Sohara and Tomoki in this episode, which was put on full display thanks to seeing their childhood together. We also could see the compassionate feelings Sohara and Ikaros had when together in this episode.

In addition to the main content of the anime, there were some other very well-done aspects. For one, the graphics of this show are very impressive and incredibly beautiful. Despite this anime being older, the impressive imagery has held up very well over the years. The intro to this show is also incredibly well done. The imagery clearly shows some characters we haven’t seen yet. In addition, the scenes it shows seem quite fun and humorous in some parts and emotional in others. The music is very beautiful and emotional. Yet, it is also bouncy, humorous, and fun. It is a very well-done sound. Overall, the mixture of content, beautiful imagery, and very well-designed music here set the tone for this show very nicely.

Sora no Otoshimono is honestly shaping up to be amazing. The combination of excellent character development, strong personalities, incredible humor, beautiful imagery, excellent music, well-done animations, strong character emotions, and strong relationships between characters is forming a phenomenal combination. I am absolutely loving this anime.

Sora no Otoshimono. Funimation, 2009. Web.

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 1

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 3
