WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Broken record time! Sora no Otoshimono Episode 7 was (drumroll please) fantastic! Again. Like every other episode. Why am I not surprised? At this point, this anime is just so good it’s a surprise if an episode isn’t fantastic. This episode had fantastic plot development, excellent humor, great emotional moments, wonderful character development, outstanding intrigue, and was extremely fun. Pretty much the only thing unusually missing was Tomoki didn’t act like a pervert in this episode.

Looking at the humor, it was outstanding. Nymph is quickly developing into a very funny character, which is excellent. Already the cast of this show was hilarious, and adding Nymph makes it even funnier. The anime is doing a great job with its comedic interactions among the characters. Additionally, these comedic interactions rely heavily on the personalities of the characters.

In addition to the humor, the other emotions were also great. It’s clear that Ikaros cares a lot about Tomoki given she offered to never go to school again. Likewise, Tomoki showed how caring he is when he let them return to school even though it’s caused so many problems for him. Besides the compassion, some parts of this episode were sad. For instance, it was sad when Nymph let the bird out of its cage and also sad to see Ikaros not understand what the love letters meant.

We also got plenty of great character development in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 7. Much of it was Nymph focused. Nymph seemed suspicious before, and now she’s entered clear villainous territory. Despite being a villain, she seems like she has a sad backstory, like she’s not completely evil, or at least wasn’t always. I’m looking forward to finding out more about who she is.

We also got some nice character development for Ikaros. For one, Ikaros is showing herself to be smarter than in the past. Before, she couldn’t do math at all. At this point, she’s now an excellent student. We also can see how she’s having a hard time understanding what the love letters meant and comprehending what love means. We also learned she has some bizarre protections messing with her programming, though exactly what this means and how they got there is unclear.

Another nice element was the music. We got some great music that really helped to bring out the emotions of the episode. In particular, when Nymph revealed her true colors, the same music played that played during episode 1 of the anime when Ikaros fell out of the sky. This really helped to establish the seriousness of what was going on and create nice flashbacks to earlier in the show.

Looking at the plot, there was lots of plot development in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 7. The two biggest plot elements were Ikaros and Nymph coming to school and Nymph’s villainous reveal. In addition, we found out Nymph is working for someone and is after Ikaros. This raises questions as to why Nymph is after Ikaros and who she is working for. We also still don’t understand what the protections on Ikaros meant and why they are there, but this seems to factor into the plot quite heavily. Sugata is still investigating Ikaros and Nymph and seems very suspicious. There are plenty of unanswered questions and unexplained intrigue. This is all very intriguing and adds plenty of tension and excitement going forward.

Sora no Otoshimono. Funimation, 2009. Web.

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 6

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 8
