Angels of Death Episode 7 Review

Angels of Death Episode 7 Review

If the show just told us all the details of Rachel’s past immediately, then it would be boring and would throw away the opportunities for buildup, intrigue, tension, suspense, and making the viewer wonder about the events. By giving clues over time, the show avoids wasting such opportunities and makes the reveal, should it occur, be more dramatic.

Angels of Death Episode 6 Review

Angels of Death Episode 6 Review

It is quite intriguing and also largely emotional that the show is chipping away at Rachel’s morally pure image that it spent many episodes building up. Part of this could be that she was never morally pure in the first place and part could be the trials and morally difficult situations taking a toll on her.

Angels of Death Episode 5 Review

Angels of Death Episode 5 Review

It is becoming clearer Rachel is clearly not a flawless hero. I wonder if even though Rachel seems to have an innocent personality, she may have a dark secret and a dark past.

Angels of Death Episode 4 Review

Angels of Death Episode 4 Review

This episode started a bit slow, but got better as it went on. Zack and Rachel are still working well together. We are, however, not seeing much character development for Rachel, as her personality does not seem to be making many clear changes.

Angels of Death Episode 3 Review

Angels of Death Episode 3 Review

Zack and Rachel are starting to work together better. Rachel’s intelligence, determination, and calm approach to problems is proving very useful to the team, and it provides a nice balance to Zack’s loud, strong, unintelligent, act before you think approach.