WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, I loved this episode. The show did an excellent job setting the exposition and helping us to understand what kind of a story this is and what kind of world it takes place in. The show also fit a large amount of material into one episode. In addition, it was hilarious.

For the characters, we really got to meet the main characters and understand their personalities. The show did a great job on character development here and helped us to really understand who these characters are. I also like the cast of characters we have so far, as they seem very enjoyable, humorous, and seem to complement each other well. It is nice to have humorous characters since this is a comedy show after all.

The humor in the episode was also well done. The play on more well-known venues was quite humorous. It’s is nice to see MgRonald’s as a spoof of McDonald’s and Holy Potter as a spoof of Harry Potter. It was humorous seeing characters flounder on Earth. It’s awesome seeing the evil villain protagonist who wants to rule the world is actually a nice and friendly guy who cares about others. This sets up for many hilarious engagements when you have a villain protagonist who also has a soft side. This actually reminds me of the Pinky and the Brain where the protagonists wanted to take over the world. I am getting a very similar feeling with this show.

The plot of the episode was also very well done. They managed to put a lot of plot development into this episode. The show quickly helped us to understand the goals of Satan and Alciel as well as understand the events that got them into their situation. The episode also opened many possible paths going forward, so many in fact that it is hard to predict where the show will go from here. It is way too early for me to effectively predict how this show will turn out given how open the many paths are.

Going forward, I am curious to see how these different characters interact with each other and handle things. I am also curious to see how the plot goes. I am liking the feeling of the show so far and am looking forward to watching and reviewing the rest of the series.

WAGAHARA SATOSHI/ASCII MEDIA WORKS/HM Project. The Devil is a Part-Timer. Funimation, 2013. Web.
