WARNING: SPOILER AHEAD. Overall, I liked this episode and felt it was very hilarious. It did a nice job establishing more of the plot of the show. It also did plenty to help develop the personalities of the characters, and their personalities are really developing in such a way that there are plenty of opportunities for humor. The humor in the episode was quite well done. I liked how the humor tied in with and relied heavily on the unique character personalities to show itself.

We got a very strong look into the character’s personalities. It is becoming clear that Satan and Alciel are not acting evil, even though they think they are evil, which provides many opportunities for humor. It’s also clear Chi has a huge crush on Satan. It is also interesting how she quickly switches from being feisty to being a sweetheart and back again. This reminds me of tsundere characters in other anime who switch back and forth between being sour and sweet. I wonder if Chi is developing to be a tsundere character of this nature.

As for Emilia, she does not actually seem to be all that heroic of a character so far. Her personality seems very feisty and unfriendly and she acts like a stalker toward Satan and Alciel. She is very fun though. I found it very hilarious how she grudgingly had to work with Satan and ask him for favors. I honestly get the feeling she and Satan will work together later, and possibly even become friends or lovers later. In addition, I noticed she has an ahoge, which is a sign of her being a humorous klutz. So far, she seems to be meeting this description. I am looking forward to seeing more of her.

Though this episode focused on character development, there was a decent amount of plot work in the episode as well. It is interesting they are now running into others who can use magic, as this opens up many plot opportunities going forward. Obviously, the fact that Emilia and Satan are working together opens up many plot paths as well and I am curious to see how this works out. Overall, I am liking the way the plot is shaping itself.

The Devil is a Part-Timer. Funimation, 2013. Web.
