WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. I liked this episode quite a bit. It was definitely quite humorous for much of it. The ending felt more serious though, which was also enjoyable. There was also some very nice romance in the episode.

For the humor in the episode, it was very well done and very enjoyable. It also relied very heavily on Emilia as well as Emilia’s interactions with other characters. Given Emilia’s ridiculous personality and her incredible feistiness and open bluntness, she makes for an excellent comedic character. I am absolutely loving the role she is playing and how the other characters handle her ridiculous antics.

As for Chi, I am really liking how Chi is developing. I like her friendly personality and also like how she is feisty at times and willing to stand up for others. She is nervous with dating, but she does not seem to be a coward. Chi is also quite funny. She is really developing into a fun character and I am hoping we see lots of her in this series.

As for the creepy man on the phone, I am getting the feeling he is going to turn into a comedic villain. He is already acting comedic as it is, and given this is a comedy show, it would make sense it would have a humorous villain who bumbles around while pursuing villain antics.

The earthquake scene felt quite serious. It is nice to see Satan being a total hero and trying to save people’s lives, as it shows he really has become a good guy deep down. Going forward, I am curious to see how this event turns out and I am also curious to see how Chi’s and Satan’s romance goes. I am loving this series so far and am pumped to see the rest of it.

The Devil is a Part-Timer. Funimation, 2013. Web.
