WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, I liked this episode, though I thought it was a bit slow at times and was not quite as good as some other episodes. It felt like a more Rachel-focused episode than Zack-focused episode. We are definitely seeing lots of symbolism in the show, and the symbolism is quite confusing and difficult to wrap one’s mind around. The riddles were intriguing and definitely made you think and wonder about what they meant. I am honestly still trying to figure out what they mean, and I wonder if the full meanings behind them will be revealed later.

I liked how we are seeing more of Rachel’s past and getting more clues as to what Rachel did. I honestly like how the show is not presenting all the details on Rachel’s past immediately but is instead trying to give us hints over time. This is probably one of the best-done parts of the show. If the show just told us all the details of Rachel’s past immediately, then it would be boring and would throw away the opportunities for buildup, intrigue, tension, suspense, and making the viewer wonder about the events. By giving clues over time, the show avoids wasting such opportunities and makes the reveal, should it occur, be more dramatic. Even if the show never fully reveals her past, that can further add intrigue to the show by making the viewer left wondering and putting together the pieces on what happened with Rachel.

The show is also continuing to tear down the image we had of Rachel of her being innocent and pure. She flat out gunned down loads of people with what felt like weak justification. In addition, the symbolism continued hint that she has done something horrible in the past.

As for the priest, he definitely seems suspicious and it is unclear just what kind of a villain he is. It makes things somewhat tense that Rachel has to work with someone who seems so dangerous and untrustworthy, and I suspect he may end up being an anti-villain character. I am curious to see how this unfolds.

The episode did have some drawbacks, of course. The scenes with Rachel going through the riddles, pictures, symbolism, as well as her talks with the priest and Zack did feel somewhat slow and drawn out. Some of the dialogue was a little boring in this episode. Still, I did like the episode despite the drawbacks.

Angels of Death. Funimation, 2018. Web.
