WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, I liked Angels of Death Episode 15 even though it felt a bit short. The series definitely feels like it’s reaching its peak. It clearly feels like an exciting finale is coming, which I am looking forward to. The episode felt quite sad and emotional as well.

The plot in Angels of Death Episode 15 was excellent and full of surprises. That is one thing the show has been doing a nice job on: not being predictable. I definitely was not expecting the news that Danny triggered the alarm. It was also surprising to see the priest play a helpful role. Of course, that may be different in the next episode. More importantly though, it seems Zack is having second thoughts about killing Rachel, which helps make the finale result to the season difficult to predict.

Another thing that sticks out is that even this late in the series, we are still getting character development. The trials are still testing Zack’s resolve and he’s struggling with his decisions. The events are still exposing Rachel’s true desires. Also, the priest is showing he has a good side to him. Finally, Danny is showing how wicked and vengeful he truly is. Overall, I think having character development this late is actually great, as it helps to keep the characters interesting and continues to make the viewer wonder about their true natures.

Additionally, as for the ending of the episode, I thought it was nice having the flashbacks to remind us of some of the important parts of this show. There are a lot of confusing elements, material, and weird symbolism to remember in this show, so these flashbacks did a nice job of helping to remind the viewer what has transpired this season and sets up the big finale nicely. Going forward, there are still plenty of loose ends to be wrapped up, and I suspect that the show may finish while leaving some questions unanswered or at least unclear. Such conclusions seem common in the psychological horror genre.

Angels of Death.  Funimation, 2018. Web.

Angels of Death Episode 14

Angels of Death Episode 16

Angels of Death Season Review
