WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, this episode was pretty good, though it did get somewhat slow toward the end. The tests of Rachel’s character were very interesting and are further tearing down her innocent personality portrayed in the first several episodes. Still, we are seeing some flashes of righteousness still being portrayed in her personality. She still seems to care about Zack, of course.

The episode also created intrigue by making it unclear just what Rachel is seeing in the hands and spirits of people. I am definitely getting the feeling the show is giving lots of foreshadowing for what will be occurring. The fact that Rachel is being tested by the priest, the fact she is seeing spirits of people who are dead, the fact that the medicine is missing, and the fact that the corpses of Danny and Cathy are missing all feel like they are preludes and hints of what to come. I am curious to see how these clues turn out.

I am also curious to see what the priest will do after discerning Rachel’s character. He may turn on Rachel in the near future. Given the last several villains got killed by Rachel and Zack, this seems likely for the priest as well. This could be interesting, as I am curious how Rachel will handle fighting a villain that seems to have a sense of honor about him.

As for Zack’s past, this part was very tense and horrifying. It felt very dark in nature. It also felt very sad and depressing. Even though Zack acted evilly, I still feel somewhat sorry for him. Still, I did not fully get why Zack engaged in reckless killing. The show did not seem to fully explain his reasoning for this and his logic behind this. It also seems unclear how much good may have been in Zack. He did seem like he was trying to kill the people who killed the old man as a flawed sense of justice. In addition, these scenes with Zack’s past seemed fairly drawn out and a little slow at times. I am wondering if we will get more clues as to his motives and will get more flashbacks for him.

Angels of Death. Funimation, 2018. Web.
