WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, I liked this episode. It was definitely a surprise see Danny again. I thought this was a well-done ironic twist. This was especially nice given we barely saw Danny before, so it is nice we get to see more action from him as a villain rather than just his brief appearance in episode 1. Given we did not see Eddie’s and Cathy’s corpse again, I wonder if we will see them again as well.

I am finding the conversations in the show have really helped to expose more of Rachel’s character. She is definitely being tested emotionally. Rachel seems to be struggling to discover herself and understand her own desires, feelings, goals, reasons, and emotions. She also seems shocked and defensive at being accused of being selfish. This journey is taking a toll on her, and I feel her character is changing as she undergoes her character development. She also acted out of character and surprisingly nervous, which is unusual for her give she is normally very calm and collective.

The conversations between Zack and Rachel are also exposing much of her character. They are clearly not just filler, but are an integral part of the show’s plot and character development. It seems that Zack himself is helping Rachel to understand herself. These conversations also seem to be changing Zack. He seems to be slowly caring more about Rachel even if it is not in his nature to show it.

One thing that is sticking out as odd is we keep seeing flashes back into Zack’s past but are seeing very little into Rachel’s past. I honestly think the show could have done better in this regard, as it would be better if we saw more of Rachel’s past. Even if the show does not want to show it all at once, it could give bits and pieces or at least hints or clues at it to build up tension for a reveal. Showing so little into her past ruins the opportunity to build up before a big reveal. I am hoping we start to learn more about her past before too long.

As for the priest, he is still coming across as a suspicious villain. He is very intriguing and it is unclear what his goals are in telling Rachel she is selfish and making Rachel agonize over this accusation. I am curious to see what role he will play going forward. I am also hoping we soon understand his goals and motives before the show is over.

Angels of Death. Funimation, 2018. Web.
