WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD. Overall, Sora no Otoshimono Episode 3 was once again excellent. This episode was not quite as hilarious as previous episodes, but it made up for the lack of comedy with incredibly strong content elsewhere. Even though this is a comedy show, it’s good that it’s not non-stop humor but has serious and emotional moments as well. It’s also fine for comedy shows to have less comedic episodes if they make up for it with other strong elements, and this episode nailed that very nicely.

Although Sora no Otoshimono Episode 3 wasn’t the most humorous episode, there was still some humor in it and this humor was quite enjoyable. Once again, the humor is relying heavily on the unique personalities of the characters. The humor was especially focused on Ikaros here. Seeing Ikaros act clumsy and naïve while using her incredible power and abilities was definitely funny and enjoyable. The great personalities of the characters surrounding her helped to bring out the humor.

As for the non-humorous emotions, these were excellent. In particular, this episode felt both touching and sad. It’s very sad seeing Ikaros’s character. She is incredibly powerful, and yet, very gentle. Her naïve nature stirs lots of emotions, both in the other characters in the show and the viewer.

We got tons of character development in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 3. In particular, we are learning more about Ikaros. Ikaros has started wearing normal clothes, which is an interesting twist. Ikaros showed herself to be incredibly powerful in this episode with her insane abilities. Yet, she’s once again showing herself to be a very gentle character. Like before, she showed herself to care about Tomoki a lot. She clearly concerns herself with his approval. Additionally, she is very compassionate with the others surrounding her. She also showed herself as incredibly naïve, even more so than she appeared in previous episodes. In the past, she seemed to be smart book wise while unintelligent commonsense wise, but in this episode that portrayal was torn down.

Overall, the way Ikaros is portrayed in this show is very sad and makes me feel sorry for her. She didn’t do anything wrong, as she seems so innocent and harmless. Yet, Ikaros is so lost and seems very depressed, like she doesn’t know what to do with herself. She didn’t even know what laughter and fun are. Ikaros also seems to be learning, but has lots of catching up given how incredibly lost she is. She also seems to be very attached to the watermelon she bought, though it’s unclear why she’s so concerned about it.

In addition to Ikaros, we also got some nice character development for Sugata. In particular, Sugata is giving off tons of villain vibes and is seeming more and more like a villain all the time. It seemed odd that he wasn’t at the Sugata residence house. He offered to help the group with their homework, but seemed to do it to further his own goals of investigating Ikaros. Sugata definitely comes across like he’s hiding something important. He waited until night when he thought the others were asleep to question Ikaros pointedly. Sugata is acting very mischievous and secretive much like a villain would. It’s also suspicious that he’s calculating Ikaros’s data and specs. His action of pushing Tomoki off a cliff also seemed forceful and careless. All of this is pointing toward villain turf.

We also saw more of Mikako in this episode. Mikako is showing herself to be very smart, and she once again doesn’t seem to care about the chaos around her. She also seems very heartless. When Sugata pushed Tomoki the cliff for instance, she seemed very casual about it. She even said she was willing to cut up a baby chick for food.

Looking at the plot, we got lots of plot development in Sora no Otoshimono Episode 3. Most notably, Sugata is continuing to investigate Ikaros and study her. Ikaros seems like she is trying to discover herself and figure out what to do with her life while she learns about human society. Tomoki is also learning more about Ikaros and is finding much of Ikaros’s character to be quite troubling. We also found out more about the strange anomaly in the sky.

Looking forward, it’ll be interesting to see how the plot plays out. There’s a ton of intrigue in this series with many questions but few if any answers to them. That intrigue is continuing to build very nicely, which makes the viewer really wonder what’s occurring and what the storyline really is. This is all very well done, as it’s better the storyline is something that’s not predictable but is instead confusing. In addition, it’s excellent that the storyline is so intriguing as this shows the plot is interesting and exciting enough to make the viewer excited, interested, and wonder about it. So far, the way the show’s plot is developing is beautiful.

Sora no Otoshimono. Funimation, 2009. Web.

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 2

Sora no Otoshimono Episode 4
